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Meet the Team


Sharon Skinner

Mortgage Broker/Owner

Sharon Skinner became an Independent Mortgage broker and opened her Mortgage Company with one goal in mind, providing transparent and more affordable home loans. Any loan officer can provide a loan; my mission is to provide you with the right loan!

Full Bio:

A Native of Michigan, Sharon moved to South Carolina in 1990 where she obtained her B.A in Business Administration and Accounting. In 1997 she made the decision to leap into the very fast paced mortgage industry, with over 20 successful years of experience she has a wealth of knowledge in the in the mortgage business; her passion for the business is what gives her the personal touch with her clients. Understanding that everyone is different with different needs and situations. “It is very important to be a diversified Mortgage Broker as you are getting ready to make a very important decision-becoming a homeowner”

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